>Discovering the Patagonian Petrified Forest



Located in the Patagonian Steppe, between El Chalt茅n and El Calafate remain the fossils of a long gone forest millions of years ago.

With landscapes that resemble more to the moon surface than an earthly realm, in the arid Patagonian steppe we can find a geographical depression of approximately 800 hectares where the earths prehistoric history comes to life on its mere surface.

Trek paths go near petrified tree trunks that can be up to 1,20 meters wide. Dinosaur fossils are also common in the area being a testimony of an ancient time where the climate propitiated the development of a rich fauna and flora.

Intense volcanic activity and the formation of the Andes covered the once vivid forests transforming them into a stone garden shaped by erosion.


Full day trips to the forest are perfect for visitors that connect El Calafate with El Chalt茅n being a stop in the middle of great value.
The irregular paths on the depression have a level of moderate difficulty so its suggested for active hikers.

The historical Hotel La Leona (1916) is the perfect place to start or finish the circuit.


Best time to visit: October to April

What to take: Comfortable footwear(trekking boots best), backpack, jacket,聽 hat, Sunscreen, sunglasses and water bottle.


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